Ubuild incorporates an ecological and very versatile foundation system

The KRINNER company has been developing a foundation system for many years using metal piles that are screwed into the ground instead of being driven into the ground. We think this is a very good system, and we incorporated it to improve the versatility of Ubuild.

At Ubuild we seek to simplify the construction process, maintaining a high quality in the final result of the work. We are open to incorporating everything that implies an improvement in the manufacturing and assembly process of a construction, as well as respecting the environment where the building is located.

The KRINNER company has been developing a foundation system using metal piles bolted to the ground for many years, which we think is fantastic. It allows a fast and respectful execution with the terrain. In addition, it adapts in a very clean way to the topography, making the existing slopes become one more opportunity in the project design, without having to do earthworks.

To finish off the enormous versatility that this foundation system gives us, if the construction is modified or moved, one could also take the piles. Ubuild intends to use this foundation system on all possible sites.

The video above shows some images of the execution of various foundations made with KRINNER. In the projects that we are developing at the moment, we are already doing so with the KRINNER foundations. This is opening up a series of new possibilities that will have a positive impact on the ecological level with a minimal impact on the land, at the project level as it allows us to solve the encounter with the land in a very clean way, and at an economic level as in many cases it is a less expensive solution than traditional concrete footings.